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BLUE CALCITE HEART for Optimism, Protection & Truth

BLUE CALCITE HEART for Optimism, Protection & Truth

Blue Calcite is a very powerful stone known to calm emotions. It has many beneficial effects for anyone who suffers from anxiety or depression. Blue Calcites powerful blue rays soothe and relax nerves. It’s calming effects on the mind allow the user to think about emotional situations with more of a level head. By doing this, Blue Calcite opens up a stronger communication channel between your thoughts and feelings.


Blue Calcite is also known to stimulate ones creative energies. Due to its soothing and relaxing effects, Blue Calcite allows users to think with a more pure mind. Its energies allow our minds to wander and veer off into an avenue of conscious exploration in which many natural, brilliant ideas emerge.


Blue Calcite properties include:


Very protective when it comes to one's aura, and offers very strong transmutational energies

• Very protective when it comes to one's aura, and offers very strong transmutational energies

• Acts as a sponge and absorbs all energy coming to you

•Filters out the negative vibrations and transmutes them back out into high positive energy

• Enhances, and strengthens one’s dream life

• Offers increased vividness and understanding of dreams

• Strengthens and unlocks the throat chakra allowing for easier communication of deeper emotions


[ Judy Hall] [Robert Simmons] [ Naisha Ahsian]


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